Tricks used by legends to build their business empire - Top Things

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Are you really interested in business and you are dreaming to start it? Coming to the field of a startup is really a competing field nowadays. Proper determination and proper planning before getting started are most essential for you to prosper. Whatever the field may be, your action and your work would result in you. Before getting to startups, you must learn more details regarding this field. No matter as you are a beginner, do not have enough ideas, no more knowledge; this post will help you, to a certain extent, to know what is a startup and how you can prosper in this field. This post can be the first step for you. So keep reading to the end of the post.

First step

Let's move with the base onwards. If you want to create a new startup, you must choose a field to work with. Mainly we can classify it into two: the production and the service. You can choose either production or service. Production, as the name denotes, is the field in which production activities are held. For example: if you want to start a business in which you are creating some stuff like mobiles, paints, vegetables, food items, drinks, and so on, you are in this category. In the same way, if you are doing with teaching centers, hospitals, agencies, etc., you are included in the latter. There is nothing in what you choose, but only you want to choose a field in which you can do your best, in which you have the confidence. While selecting what you want to start, you must consider the three main questions:

What to produce?

How to produce?

For whom to produce?

This all goes to you. You must choose it as per your ideas. Here "what to produce" refers to what you want to choose as your business. It can be goods or any service. Caring about the competing fields needs maximum effort to prosper. If you are very determined in yourself, there is no matter. Otherwise, you should select fewer competing fields. Then "how to produce?" is our next question. In the service sector: "how to serve?". With your idea, you must think very well about it. Innovative and different ways can succeed you only if they are supported by the consumers. So your each and every action want to attract the consumers. Care about, for whom you are producing or for whom you are serving. Popular support is the most and everything for a business. If a businessman acquires popular support in his work, we can see that he has succeeded in his business. If you are producing some goods, you should produce them as per the interest of the consumers. Think; if people are wandering for getting a specific service or a product because it is limited availability. You want to do your work based on that. Producing or serving that will gain you more profit. 

Acquire more information

Before doing every sort of action you must have a detailed analysis of that. Proper knowledge of your works can make you intelligent, well built in that field, and brilliant in every action. Here in our subject, before starting your business, you do have a better knowledge of the field you choose. Every step you are going to take must be with a lot of planning. Reading many books, conversing with experienced people will help you a lot. Here I am giving you some basic concepts you must learn:

Consumer behavior

More details about your idea

managing employees

Details about the toppers in your field. (if you are starting an online educational app, it would be better to know more about the top other such existing apps)


 Acquire as much information as you can.

How much you know would result in how much you work.


Add innovative ideas

As I said early innovation and different ideas can succeed you. Your ideas want to reflect on your works. Making something change which is great, can affect you and your business positively. Think about the things that no one has thought, the idea that no one has checked, which is creative, smart, and powerful. Not only the product of your business but also the working of your company can be held smoothly using better ideas and innovations. Suppose you have chosen a field in which there is a lot of competition there. It would be so hard to get succeed only by doing the things that others commonly do. You should have to do it in a somewhat different and effective way so that the people will notice you. Then only your company will tackle other companies and can go ahead. On looking at the history of Apple iPhones and iMacs, one of the top and the best company ever in the world, it is noticeable that the innovative ideas put forth by Steve jobs make Apple what Apple is today. He invented many different and efficient modifications to the device which was so far from any other's thoughts. obviously, apple succeeded and became one of the top companies ever. The life of Steve jobs would be very great for you to know. Not only Steve jobs but the whole people who have prospered in their work would definitely have some story to say about how their innovative and creative thoughts built his/her life. Yeah, to the whole entrepreneurs I want to say only one thing: Uniqueness and innovations are the main things that the world wants.

Do it roughly(rough design)

After putting some innovation in your product then you want to do it roughly(demo). From this, you can able to know and understand the final product. Also, you can able to analyze the performance of the output. If you are dealing with the production of some material stuff, you should probably want to make a rough model at first and analyze it deeply. With your observation, you have to get reach a conclusion. Actually from that model, you are experimenting with the production and deeply analyzing how it looks and works. You have to make some changes if essential to make it more attractive. And this process wants to be held at every renewal. The rough model can give you some foresight.

Presentation and understanding the pros and cons

Presentation and understanding the pros and cons are the main processes of a business. From this, a businessman can analyze their product's social validity. According to this step, after creating a demo of your product, you want to share the product with your friends and with others and also ask them their opinion. This is somewhat like having a social survey. From this process, you can able to think more deeply, can able to understand how the people behave towards your product, how satisfactory your product is, what are the pros and cons of your product, and so on. According to the result, you want to make proper changes to your product. It is a part of making the rough model. Only through presentation to the different types of people, you can get a whole conclusion. Present the demo to more people as you can and analyze deeply the pros and cons of your product. Try to solve the cones and make them nicer. Again do present and record the details.  

Find a partner

If you are one person and trying to create a big business, it is not possible. You can't able to undertake a big business by yourself. Because a sole proprietor can only make a small sole proprietorship business. So you want to create a partnership firm with your friends or others else. From partnership, you can able to run your business smoothly and simply. You can able to reduce your risk and you can share your innovative ideas with your partners and ask their opinion. And also your partner wants to have the same views as you but have a lot of new ideas in the same scope. More number of partners is highly recommended and they want to be skilled. The most important thing is that you want to create a partnership deed for the business purpose. 

“Bringing great people onto your team is about demonstrating that size really doesn’t matter – people do.” 
               -Jess Campbell

Find a person for investment

Investment is much necessary for a business. After creating a partnership firm. You want to find a person with a lot of money, as an investor. 

Making the product

Making the real product or getting start the service comes next. Nothing to worry about your production is low at first, I recommend that it will be nice to start with less production and other activities though you are capable of high production and have enough money. Because the first production for distribution to the public is also like a social survey. There are chances for loss. It can be fatal if you spend a lot at first. Remember most of the companies now, were stated small. Google, Amazon, Apple, and many have the same past in a single garage. Doing much in first is like involving in gambling. There are chances for both loss and profit. If a loss happens, you will lose everything. I'm not saying to fear the loss but you want to be careful in each step of action.

“A big business starts small.”
                        -Richard Branson


After being more healthy, your business must require more and more workers. People commonly see workers as low. Really it isn't. workers are everything for a business they are the wheels and engine. We just ride with their help. From small laborers to technical people are much inevitable. Actually, in the world, the most powerful and valuable thing is time. And what the businessman doing is stealing the hours of people, of the workers. We can't do everything with ourselves because it would take a lot of time and effort. Really tedious. With the workers we will get more time, will get more effort. If we have 50 workers with 10 hours per day. We will get a total of 500 hours a day! Giving more encouragement and facilities for workers is the only thing we have to care about. You have to study a lot of details about managing the workers. You should give them rest in the place of working them bored. It's an area of great concern.

“You don't build a business, you build people, then people build the business.”
                         -Zig Ziglar

Sell your product

Then sell your product. Use advertising for getting more popularity.

Stand determined and confident

There may have situations in which you feel exactly like giving up everything. that's common in the field of business. Many of the portions of new entrepreneurs have lost everything including their dreams because of the unaffordable loss. You must remember that all the top companies also, in one day, had experienced the pain of loss. In business, those who have the courage and real determination could only prosper. Business is unending. Even your tiny failures can make great predicaments.  

Move with confidence and determination.

Analyze the changes

Analyzing each and every change, even if it is profit or loss. Analyzing and studying the root, cause, and effect will help you to think differently.  Analyze the growth, profit, loss, and everything that happens in your business and find more conclusions. Discuss every such matter, even it is small or large, with your partners. With the discussions and the end result, you can able to make your company much better.

Give prominence to lose and solve it

Giving more attention to loss than profit is highly recommended. If a loss happens, investigate the cause and root for finding solutions. Think if you are a vegetable shop vendor. Your shop is one of the renowned shops in your locality. Almost half the population of your locality cooks vegetables bought from your shop.  And weeks by week your customers are increasing. Once in a day, you got poor sales, and with some more days, your sales are going too worse than ever. So this is a crisis that you, a small-scale businessman faces. If the condition persists, you will be in poverty. so it would be better for you to investigate, why such weird things are happening. On the investigation, we have got a result that there had started a new vegetable store in your locality and he gives the vegetables in low price than any other shop in your locality does. That's the secret behind his success and your loss. so now you have understood the problem. Now you want to find a proper solution for solving this issue. You can sell your vegetables rather low cost than him or want to include more items in your shop. may the loss be because of your attitude towards the consumers. If so, you would speak to the customers so calmly and in an attractive manner. Yeah! now we have found and put a solution to your problem. this is much necessary for a business. Understanding, analyzing, and solving the loss by innovative ideas have more relevance than caring attention to the profit. Remember profit would only happen if there is no loss anyway.


Business is not an easy task if only start and work in a normal way. Even your's business is very small or large, uniqueness and innovative ideas along with creative mentality and determination can prosper you. Better thinking and management can gain you popular support which is everything for a business to exist. it's like an unusual plant that wants more care to grow, It will never stop growing, and also it can grow in the reverse order too (decreasing the height). you want to have people for nourishing it, you have to give ideas for it's easy growing. Then this unusual plant will reap you the profit.

Well dear all new startup entrepreneurs, hope this post was useful to you. Don't forget to comment on what your heart says about this post.




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